How we run ourselves

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the body responsible for the finance and fabric of the church. It has 18 members, part elected, part ex-officio, and meets bi-monthly. We have two Churchwardens, assisted by two Assistant Churchwardens, one having special responsibility for Holy Trinity.  Our Treasurer ensures that the church’s accounts and day-to-day finances are kept in good order. Any urgent business which occurs between PCC meetings is dealt with by the Standing Committee consisting of the Vicar, Churchwardens, PCC Secretary and Treasurer. The Vicar is supported by a Staff Team (also a sub-group of the PCC) and a Service Leaders Team. 

The Parish Office is run by an Administrator, assisted as needed by paid or volunteer admin support. The Kingfisher Church Team Leader is employed 2 days a week.

We remain extremely grateful to members of the congregation who give their time and energy so willingly in the numerous other roles that are needed to ensure the smooth running of a church of this size. These include all those involved in Finance, Buildings Maintenance, Junior Church, Worship Teams, Sound and AV desks, Small Group leaders, Toddlers and Messy Church, Alpha, Prayer Ministry, Hospitality Team, plus those who give lifts and undertake countless other jobs which enable us to function. The Pastoral Team, consisting of LPAs (Lay Pastoral Assistants) also fulfils an invaluable role. 

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