
Overseas mission has always been close to the heart of St Thomas’. Over the years many have been sent out in the Lord’s name to different nations, including: Nepal, Uganda, Malawi, Thailand, Japan, Ghana, the Philippines, Central Asia, Tanzania, Bolivia and the Sudan.

We long to see the next generation of mission minded people both hearing and responding to God’s call to “go and make disciples of all nations”.

Throughout the year we have slots of one or two months to focus on a particular mission.  Half of the Church’s outward giving goes to overseas missions each year.  We currently support:


A number of the congregation sponsor children through Compassion

It is our prayer that these links will help your understanding of the missions St Thomas’ is supporting at this time, and that it will give you an increased appetite to go yourself or support others in going as they respond to God’s call.  For more information or to get in touch with one of our church representatives, please have a look at our Mission Overseas leaflet.

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